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Become a member OLD

Group photo of people smiling holding signs at a rally that read "Another Employer in Solidarity with Immigrants, Keep Our Families TogetherBecome a member of Hand in Hand! We are building a just and caring economy starting in our homes and communities. All employers of nannies, house cleaners, home care workers, attendants, family caregivers, their families and everyone who believes in domestic worker rights and quality affordable care are invited to join! 

Members have a voice in the organization and in campaign planning, receive regular invitations to meetings and events, and have opportunities for training and leadership development. By becoming a member, you drive the work we do together and you build power for our communities and for domestic workers!

Your membership of Hand in Hand connects you with:

  1. Support and Resources: Hand in Hand provides crucial guidance to people who employ domestic workers on fair employment practices.  
  2. Community: Hand in Hand’s community is unlike any other. Our members provide guidance and support to one another, as well as illuminate our interdependence through sharing their personal stories and experience. Our members are committed to immigrant, racial and disability justice, recognize that the personal is political, and respect the complexity of people’s lives and one another’s multiple identities.
  3. Justice: Hand in Hand plays a critical role in winning protections for domestic workers and in strengthening the care safetynet so we can all live, age and work with dignity. No matter how much you choose to participate, you’re membership contributes to our victories!

Become a member of Hand in Hand today!
Suggested dues are $5/month – $50/month according to your means. Pay more or less as you are able. Sign up to be a member by filling out the form below. NOTE: Click ‘Make this Recurring’ box and select ‘Monthly’ to make a monthly donation.  One-time donations are also welcome.

Are you the best employer you can be?

Use the Employer Checklist to find out!

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