California’s growing need for caregivers could collide with a crackdown on immigrants, Los Angeles Times
Mass Deportation Threats Put Caregivers, Seniors, Disabled People on High Alert, San Francisco Public Press
Updated CT paid sick time law brings hope to domestic workers and laborers, Connecticut Public Radio / WNPR
The Outsourcing of Housework Is on the Rise—and It’s Creating a Shift Both Inside of the Home and Out, The Good Men Project
New NJ law requires more protections for domestic workers, KYW NEWSRADIO
NJ’s domestic workers now must get minimum wage — but someone has to tell them, Gothamist
Domestic Employers Honored at Care Heroes Awards, Brooklyn Downtown Star
‘My Silence Makes Her Invisible’: Parents Must Fight for Nannies and Domestic Workers, Op-Ed by Reha Sterbin, Marie Claire
California Bill Would Help Protect Nannies, House Cleaners, NBC Bay Area, Washington Post, Sacramento Bee
From the Valley to Northern California, Nannies Lobby for Legislation to Protect Their Basic Rights, San Fernando Valley Sun/El Sol
Worker safety laws don’t protect these California workers. A new bill would change that, Cal Matters
Coverage of Home Worker Wage Increases in California, KQED, NPR All Things Considered.
Many of Us Want to Age at Home. But That Option Is Fading Fast, NY Times
Some Care Workers Are Seeing a Bump in Pay. They’re Working to Make It Last, NY Times
3 Ways to Have A Great Partnership With Your Nanny, Parent Co.
Investigation Finds California’s Private Homecare Industry In Crisis, KQED
Tips to Employ Nannies and Other Domestic Workers During COVID-19, Parent Map
Bill that would give rights, labor protections to domestic workers announced in NJ, North Jersey
Despite calls to improve, air travel is still a nightmare for many with disabilities, NPR National News
Governor Cuomo: Stop Scapegoating Nursing Home Workers and Making Excuses for Your Deadly Decisions, Gotham Gazette
‘I’m having to survive on a third of what I had’, BBC News
America Never Valued Care Workers. Then a Pandemic Hit, The Nation
Childcare is essential for essential workers, but what if you’re not one of them?, Bklyner
How We Support the People Who Support Us, Ms. Magazine
12 Ways Communities Are Taking Care of Each Other During the Pandemic, YES! Magazine
Who Care for Care Workers During the Pandemic?, Truthout
How to Help Your Community During the Coronavirus Crisis, Consumer Reports
What Should You Do About Your Babysitter During Coronavirus?, New York Times
As coronavirus spreads, housekeepers in L.A. declare staying home ‘a luxury’, Los Angeles Times
How Can I Help My Mom’s Domestic Worker Get a Dignified Retirement?, The Nation
Paid Personal Time is the Right Thing to Do – and Benefits Both Workers and Employers, Gotham Gazette
Philadelphia Just Passed Landmark Legislation for Domestic Workers’ Rights, Ms. Magazine
On Labor Day, celebrate domestic workers, NY Daily News
The Domestic Workers Bill Of Rights Act Will Give Your Nanny A Contract, Fatherly
How slow-to-act Philadelphia came to pass some of the most cutting-edge worker laws in the nation, Philly Inquirer
Why Moms Need To Stop Nanny Shaming Despite Its Pervasiveness
Domestic workers deserve fair wages and treatment, Seattle Times
Protesters outraged as Trump administration tears immigrant children from parents, People’s World
Canceling protected status for Nepalese immigrants will devastate my family., NY Daily News
Some Americans offer to open up their homes to Central American asylum seekers, Los Angeles Times
Thousands turn out for second Women’s March in Columbus, Columbus Dispatch
Take Urgent Action for Net Neutrality, Plus: A Thanksgiving Table DREAM Act Toolkit, The Nation
How to Ethically Hire a Nanny, Lifehacker
How to Be a Good Boss at Home, RealSimple
Demand for domestic workers rises in Calif.; standards needed, Inquirer.net
Empleadas domésticas y niñeras, segundas madres que ha menudo sufren abusos, La Opinion
Report: 2 million California households hire domestic workers, Asian Journal
Latinos y pobres casi la mitad de los que contratan a trabajadores del hogar, según UCLA, Hoy
One in Six Cleaners, Childcare Helpers in California Paid Below Minimum Wage, The Guardian
The Eldercare Boom, Chronogram
The Domestic Worker Alliance Creates New Framework For Improving Gig Economy Jobs, Fast Company
A Living Wage for Caregivers, New York Times
How to Pay the Help, Washington Post
Domestic Worker Groups Announce Alliance at Clinton Global Initiative Conference, Huffington Post
Would You Rather Grow Old at Home With Your Family or Alone in a Nursing Home?, The Nation
How Can We Better Deal With The Caregiving Needs of Aging Parents? Ai-Jen Poo Wants to Help, xojane
My Home is Someone’s Workplace: Building a Better Environment for Domestic Workers in Park Slope, Linewaiter’s Gazette, Park Slope Food Co-op
Park Slope Parents Sign Vow to Be Responsible Bosses to Nannies, DNAinfo
If You Want Better Rights for Domestic Workers, Organize the Parents, ThinkProgress
Advocates seek domestic workers bill, Connecticut Post
Let’s Get Organized: Domestic Workers Fight for Their Rights, U.S. Catholic
How Domestic Workers Won Their Rights: Five Big Lessons, Yes! Magazine
Do we Care?, SF Bay Guardian
California Domestic Workers Demand Bill of Rights, Portside.org
Domestic worker pay and licensing bills advance in California, Sacramento Bee
Home care industry workers deserve a living wage, Sacramento Bee
A Strong PCA Workforce Is Essential to Making Olmstead a Reality, PHI Blog
The Leftist Ethicist, Zeek Magazine
Marchers ask CA governor to OK domestic workers’ bill of rights, Global Nation Inquirer.net
An Employer Speaks About Why She Cares About the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, Women’s Foundation of California Blog
Just Employers in Park Slope Advocate for Domestic Worker Rights, AFL-CIO Blog
Workers’ Rights, Labor Day, and Jewish Values: Its Time to Pass a Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, JWeekly
The help still needs our help, Miami Herald
National Town Hall Held in D.C. to Address Jobs Crisis, Paramus Post
Home care workers deserve a minimum wage, San Jose Mercury News
Crowd Rallies This Weekend for the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, Mission Local