Launched in 2010, our California Chapter is led by people with disabilities who employ for homecare, parents who employ (or employed) nannies, and a growing number of house cleaner employers and family caregivers.
Member leaders have worked to unite people with disabilities with the home attendant workforce to advocate for their shared interests for dignified working conditions and affordable long-term services and supports. After passing the California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights in 2013, Hand in Hand has worked alongside the California Domestic Worker Coalition to establish the first statewide enforcement program. The program funds community-based organizations to reach and educate domestic workers and employers on their rights and responsibilities.
We’ve also been working to protect Medicaid-funded homecare for low income people with disabilities and seniors (IHSS), expand access to in-home supportive services, organize parents to make their homes Sanctuary Homes in support of the national call to keep families together, and more. Whether you’re in San Francisco, the East Bay, L.A., or anywhere in California, we hope you’ll join us!


Current Campaigns
It’s Time for $20! Fighting for Home Care Worker Wage Increases in California
In 2022, Hand in Hand began partnering with Service Employees International Union Local 2015 in California on a county-by-county campaign to increase wages for home care workers hired through the
Health & Safety Protections For Domestic Workers & Employers
As part of our commitment to raise standards for domestic workers and employers, Hand in Hand has partnered with the California Domestic Workers Coalition(CDWC) to win health and safety protections
San Francisco Paid Sick Leave/Portable Benefits Ordinance
As part of the California Domestic Workers Coalition, Hand in Hand is working to create a portable benefits program so that domestic workers can access the paid sick days they are entitled to, but rarely receive.
Domestic Worker Rights Education and Outreach
Hand in Hand has partnered with the Department of Industrial Relations to reach, educate and train domestic workers and domestic employers about the rights and protections domestic workers have under California labor law.

Past Campaigns
Health and Safety Law for California Domestic Workers
On September 28, 2021 Governor Newsom signed SB321: The Health and Safety for All Workers Act. This law will require Cal/OSHA to conduct a study and publish the first ever
California Domestic Workers Bill of Rights
After nearly ten years of organizing and advocating, the California Domestic Workers Coalition (CDWC) passed Senate Bill 1215: The Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in 2016, which made daily overtime a permanent right for childcare providers/nannies and home attendants.
San Francisco Support at Home
In 2016, Hand in Hand joined its allies in the San Francisco Care Council to win funding and approval for a new program providing older adults and people with disabilities with up to 15 hours of subsidized homecare per week.
The Care Agenda and Long-term Services and Supports for All
Building upon our success with the Support at Home campaign which won up to 15 hours of subsidized homecare per week, Hand in Hand as part of the Care Council, came together to put California on a path toward universal

Resources for California Domestic Employers