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Type: I employ a House Cleaner

Seattle House Cleaner Work Agreement

Are you planning to hire someone to provide house cleaning services in your home or want to improve your current employment arrangement? This guide will help you, organize your conversations, create clear and respectful communication, and create a clear agreement that outlines the relevant terms of employment.

A Guide to Non-Toxic Cleaning

An essential part of being a fair employer is ensuring that your home is a safe and healthy place to work— and that includes ridding the environment of toxic cleaning

Communication Best Practices

Open and respectful communication is at the heart of any good relationship. Use this guide to create a positive employment relationship with the nanny, house cleaner, and home attendant that supports you in your home.


2 dialogue bubbles indicating a conversation

 What should I ask in an interview? Prepare Before the Interview Before you schedule an interview with a candidate, make sure you’ve shared any details about the job that are

House Cleaner Work Agreement

Are you planning to hire someone to provide house cleaning services in your home or want to improve your current employment arrangement? This guide will help you, organize your conversations, create clear and respectful communication, and create a clear agreement that outlines the relevant terms of employment.

Fire Season Guidelines

Fire season has become a harsh reality for many people in California,  and taking proper precautions is essential when we employ someone in our homes. This is a set of

Are you the best employer you can be?

Use the Employer Checklist to find out!

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