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Organizer: Dana Barnett

There are over 100,000 domestic workers in Washington State, with roughly 30,000 residing in Seattle.

In 2018, Hand in Hand fought alongside Seattle domestic workers for a Bill of Rights. We organized employers in support of the legislation and in July 2018, we won making Seattle the first city in the country to pass a Domestic Workers Ordinance! The law provides long overdue rights to domestic workers including minimum wages  and rest and meal breaks.

The ordinance also created a Domestic Workers Standards Board, the first board of its kind composed of domestic workers and employers. The board continues to identify and advocate for additional policies, and advise the city about outreach and enforcement of the ordinance. 

In September 2018, the City further expanded domestic worker rights to include paid sick and safe time by expanding the city’s Fair Employment Practices law. Both ordinances went into effect on July 1, 2019.

If a nanny, house cleaner or home attendant supports you or your family and you would like to learn more about being a fair employer, or to get involved in supporting the movement for Domestic Worker rights in Washington, please contact Organizer Dana Barnett at seattle@domesticemployers.org

If you have questions about compliance with the Seattle Domestic Workers Ordinance please visit the Seattle Office of Labor Standards or call 206-256-5297.

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