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Fair Care Pledge

Take the Fair Care Pledge

I am committed to making my home a workplace that I am proud of. By filling out the form below, I pledge to be a respectful, clear, and fair employer. 

Putting Fair Care into Practice


By paying a fair wage, plus overtime, you are ensuring that your employee has what she  needs to sustain herself and her family. This contributes to a positive, long-lasting relationship and healthy home.  

For many, it can be a challenge to align what's fair with what we feel we can afford, but by offering the worker you employ the highest wage you can—and showing them how much you value their work—you are reinvesting in your own household and doing all that you can to  ensure the best support for yourself, your home, and your family.

*Seattle Domestic Employers: The Seattle Domestic Workers Ordinance requires you to pay at least a minimum hourly wage, provide or pay for meal and rest breaks, and overtime. You can get more information about the law here.


Creating clear expectations, through open and respectful communication, is the foundation  for the relationship between you and the worker you employ, providing clarity on both sides for daily tasks. 


Paid time off—including medical and sick leave—will ensure that your employee is  rested and healthy and ready to do her job well. 

*Seattle Domestic Employers: The Seattle Sick and Safe time law applies to Domestic Workers! You can get more information about the law here.

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