NO on I-2124 Campaign Statement

Seattle, WA – The defeat of I-2124 is a huge victory for millions of Washingtonians, working families, and especially women and people with pre-existing conditions. This win in Washington has national implications because many other states are watching closely as they build their own long-term care safety nets.

Voters are clearly rejecting I-2124’s radical attempt to take away long-term care benefits from 4 million Washingtonians. Washingtonians agreed with the financial experts, caregivers, and more than 150 health and other organizations that Washington’s public long-term care insurance is a vital benefit and program.

This measure was never about choice. Hedge fund mega-millionaire Brian Heywood and the right-wing backers of I-2124 were out to kill Washington’s long term care program, harming millions of Washingtonians, working families, women, and people with pre-existing conditions.

Washington voters read the fine print. They figured out Initiative 2124 was a deceptive attempt to take away an essential line of support to help cover care expenses when we, or a loved one, needs help at home due to age, disability, serious injury, or illness.

Washington’s long term care benefits will help the most vulnerable among us – elderly and people who experience debilitating injury, illness or disease get the support they deserve at home, not cycle in and out of hospitalizations from preventable falls, dehydration or missed medications.

The program has been steadily strengthened, covering near retirees and part-time workers, and made portable so we can keep our benefits even if we move out of state. Now, lawmakers and the Governor should continue to improve our long term care benefits and defend them against cynical attacks.