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Category: Hand In Hand

Statement on Preliminary Election Results on Initiative 2124

NO on I-2124 Campaign Statement Seattle, WA – The defeat of I-2124 is a huge victory for millions of Washingtonians, working families, and especially women and people with pre-existing conditions. This win in Washington has national implications because many other states are watching closely as they build their own long-term care safety nets. Voters are

Governor Newsom Signs Bill That Will Offer Health & Safety Protections to More Than 175,000 Agency-Hired Domestic Workers

The following is a press release from the California Domestic Workers Coalition (CDWC). The CDWC is a statewide coalition led by domestic workers and employers across the state. The organizations that are a part of our steering committee include: Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, Filipino Advocates for Justice, Hand in Hand: The

Thank You 2023 Donors and Members!

Header that reads " A huge thank you to all of Hand in Hand's 2023 individual and institutional supporters and dues paying members!"

A&E TV Network Aquila Fund Bafrayung Fund Blue Shield CA Foundation BNY Mellon Community Partnership CalGrows Innovation Fund California Domestic Workers Coalition CARE Fund Caring Across Generations Chinese-American Planning Council City of Seattle Office of Labor Standards Cole Family Charitable Fund Comunidades Sin Fronteras Connecticut Connecticut Workers Center Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of New

Domestic Employers Condemn Newsom’s Veto of Domestic Worker Health & Safety Bill

people holding sign that a reads Employers for Health and Safety

The following press release was issued October 2, 2023 after Governor Newsom announced his veto of SB686: The Health & Safety for All Workers Act. Media Contacts: Blithe Riley, [email protected] Kayla Shore, [email protected] Not in Our Name: Domestic Employers Condemn Governor Newsom’s Veto of Domestic Worker Health & Safety Bill This weekend, Governor Newsom stood

Response to DOT Settlement concerning Engracia Figueroa and United Airlines

Engracia Figueroa sits in her wheelchair speaking at the Care Cant Wait Mobilization

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS:  For PVA – Oname Thompson [email protected]   For Hand In Hand – Blithe Riley [email protected] For the Reeve Foundation – Julia Leonard [email protected] For United Spinal Association – Josie Byzek [email protected]  Paralyzed Veterans of America, Hand In Hand, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, and United Spinal Association issue joint statement in response

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