It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you started: Migration How to use WordPress Migrator Plugin? Migrate WordPress from Siteground to Cloudways Migrate WordPress from GoDaddy to Cloudways General How do I take my website live from Cloudways? How to manage WordPress via WP-CLI on
New York State Report Release
[View the story “Report Launch NYC” on Storify]
Solidarity & Sanctuary on the May 1st Day of Action
Did you know that May 1st has historically been a day of action for workers around the world? Ever since 200,000 workers went on strike for an eight-hour day on May 1st, 1886, most of the world has celebrated this historic moment annually, even though the U.S. officially celebrates “Labor Day” in September and the
Does putting up a window sign make a difference?
This moment feels too urgent to spend our energy doing things that don’t have any impact. So we asked ourselves, Does it really matter if people put up signs in their windows? Well, let’s think about what symbolic actions do: How do you feel when you see someone wearing a shirt with your favorite team’s name?
#SanctuaryHomes Update 1: Solidarity Everywhere
Since we launched #SanctuaryHomes, the need for moral action that is grounded in our homes, neighborhoods and communities has become increasingly clear. Just earlier today, New York campaign activists stood in solidarity with workers from Tom Cat Bakery who are at risk of losing their jobs, and fear imminent raids and deportations following a notification from
Making this year a better one with—and for—the person you employ
Making this year a better one with—and for—the person you employ Among the many things the Women’s Marches around the world have shown us, one is just how many of us are ready to show up for one another. How many of us know that our lives are intertwined. And when our homes are someone’s
1,000 Amazing Women: What It Really Looks Like When We All Work Hand in Hand
1,000 Amazing Women: What It Really Looks Like When We All Work Hand in Hand You’ve probably heard phrases like “we’re all interconnected” tossed around, whether on an inspirational Facebook post or at a religious service. It can be an easy idea to agree with but a harder one to picture. What does that really
Fair Care Means Thinking Ahead
Fair Care Means Thinking Ahead The three components of the Fair Care Pledge may be a commitment to Fair Pay, Clear Expectations, and Paid Time Off, but thinking ahead is the most important tool in your employer toolkit. Of course, the moments when we need care the most are often the ones when we feel