Are you hiring a childcare provider or looking to improve your current employment arrangements? This guide will help you organize your conversations, create clear communication, and create an agreement that outlines the relevant terms of employment.
Connecticut Domestic Employer Responsibilities
If you live in Connecticut and employ any of the workers listed below in your home, then you have legal obligations as a domestic employer. Nanny House Cleaner Home Attendant
EMPLOYER GUIDE: Nannies Supervising Online Distance Learning
Asking the nanny you employ or hiring a nanny to take on supervising home instruction makes a lot of sense because nannies bring excellent skills and experience to ensure that
Agreement for Nanny work during COVID
We all want to stay safe, and to do that we need to work together. This template can help nannies and employers talk honestly about how you will commit to
Nanny Employer FAQ’s During COVID
Hiring or rehiring a nanny during COVID? Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. See Also: Nanny Employer Checklist During COVID-19. 1. When should the nanny we employ come
Care Work, Economic Recovery, & the Green New Deal
A New York Caring Majority Town Hall with Naomi Klein, Ai-jen Poo, and our members. The work of caring for each other is the most important labor in our society.
House Cleaner Employer Checklist During COVID-19
As stay at home restrictions are lifting, many of us are considering either hiring or rehiring a housecleaner to offer some much needed help in our homes. At the same
Webinar: Make Your Home a Safer Workplace During COVID-19
Domestic workers are the engine that keep many of our households running when we’re not in pandemic lockdown. As states begin to re-open and your relationship with someone working in your
Nanny Employer Checklist During COVID-19
We know how much you’ve been juggling these last few months. It never ends, caring for children, cleaning up after them, preparing meals and snacks, coming up with activities, helping
How to be a fair employer during the coronavirus pandemic
We hope that you and your community are staying healthy, informed, and connected in these times. With news of the arrival of COVID-19 coronavirus to the United States in the