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Category: Hand In Hand

We’re demanding that Congress pass the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act

Engracia Figueroa sitting in airport next to broken power chair

Hand in Hand is proud to partner with Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), to demand that Congress pass the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act. Introduced by Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Representative Jim Langevin (D-RI), this law would give individuals the right to sue airlines, require airlines to meet defined accessibility standards of new airplane designs, as well as the removal of access barriers on existing airplanes.

400 Community Stories for $400 Billion in Community Investment

Group standing and in wheelchairs mobilizing for home and community based services.

The care economy is not working for most of us.  Older adults and people with disabilities who need support at home are struggling to pay for care or going without. Home care workers and attendants are underpaid and undervalued, with many leaving the profession for higher paying jobs. Family and friends are providing care without

Make United Pay: Disability Activist’s Wheelchair Destroyed by United Airlines

Woman smiling in wheelchair. Yesterday, United Airlines destroyed Encracia's $30,000 wheelchair. On average airlines damage 29 passenger wheelchairs each day. She is now stuck at home. #MakeUnitedPay

When you take a flight, you expect that you and your belongings will get to your destination safe and sound. It’s your right to know that you and your things will be taken care of.  But too often, this same right isn’t afforded to people with disabilities. For Engracia Figueroa, a disability rights activist and president

Press Release United Airlines Destroys $30,000 Wheelchair of Activist Returning From Disability Rights Rally

Engracia Figueroa's destroyed wheelchair sitting in airport

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: United Airlines Destroys $30,000 Wheelchair of Activist Returning From Disability Rights Rally Activist Fights for Compensation from United, Now Stuck at Home After Her “Worst Nightmare Came True” During Disability Pride Month LOS ANGELES (July 15, 2021)— United Airlines destroyed a $30,000 power wheelchair belonging to long-time disability rights activist Engracia Figueroa,

Communities of Care Installation

Black women in wheelchair embraces woman standing behind her

Hand in Hand is excited to partner with the Care Can’t Wait coalition, Caring Across Generations and NDWA to present the art installation Communities of Care located in Washington DC’s Freedom Plaza, July 13-17th 2021. Created by artist Paola Mendoza, Communities of Care illuminates the essential caregiving that takes place in our homes and communities every

Announcing Hand in Hand’s Inaugural Home and Community-Based Stories Fellows

Welcome Home & Community-Based Stories Fellows

Hand in Hand is excited to announce the launch of Home and Community-Based Stories, a storytelling and organizing fellowship for those who both need and provide home care in California. This fellowship brings together people with disabilities, older adults, family caregivers, and homecare workers to deepen their organizing and storytelling skills— with the intention of

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