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Tag: housekeeper

Parasite: what *not* to do when hiring a house cleaner

Warning: spoilers ahead!  It’s been almost exactly a year since Alfonso Cuaron’s Oscar-winning Roma hit movie theaters, telling an enormous and gripping story that centered a character—Cleo, a domestic worker—whose role in most movies is often so small we see them listed in the credits as a job, not a name name (Butler #2, Housekeeper,

Ask an expert: Non-toxic, green cleaning at home

Do you have a favorite cleaning product? Maybe something whose smell just tells you everything is going to be sparkly and disinfected? A bleach or a spray, a powder or mopping liquid or a wipe? Now: Do you know what they use to make that product? Just like OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

Cleaning product companies are going non-toxic, are you?

When you’re walking through the grocery store, you’ve probably seen there are more “natural” or “green” cleaning and personal care products than ever before. In the news we’re seeing big brands (like Target and Tide) are trying to get in on the shift that others (like Seventh Generation and Method) have been pushing for years.

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