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Audience: House cleaner employers

California Domestic Worker Overtime Rules

This download outlines overtime rules that apply to domestic workers in California who work in private homes. The overtime a domestic worker is entitled to depends on the type of

House Cleaner Work Agreement (Spanish)

Are you planning to hire someone to provide house cleaning services in your home or want to improve your current employment arrangement? This guide will help you, organize your conversations, create clear and respectful communication, and create a clear agreement that outlines the relevant terms of employment.

Seattle House Cleaner Work Agreement

Are you planning to hire someone to provide house cleaning services in your home or want to improve your current employment arrangement? This guide will help you, organize your conversations, create clear and respectful communication, and create a clear agreement that outlines the relevant terms of employment.

Sunsetting of Alia

graphic of orange text that reads alia

Alia is an online platform created by National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) Labs to allow employers to provide certain benefits to the domestic workers in their homes. As of March

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