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Category: Hand In Hand

Recap: Anti-Racism Workshops!

Illustration of flowers with text reading: Webinar Anti-Racism 201: Race and the Care Economy.

Hand in Hand and our close partners, Caring Across Generations, recently held two anti-racism training sessions, the first time we’ve done so as an organization. As Hand in Hand grows and considers its place in the community, we recognize that it’s important for us to articulate fury at extrajudicial killings of Black people, whether by

Raising Anti-Racist Children

Black Lives Matter Instruction Library BookShelf Image

In this moment when anti-Black violence and racism is in the national spotlight, many of us are having hard conversations about events that have unfolded across the country in recent days and weeks. For those of us who are parents and caregivers, this also means having age and developmentally appropriate conversations with our kids. With the help of the Hand in Hand community, we’ve compiled the following set of resources to help you have these conversations in your families and communities.

Connecting the Dots: Anti-Black Racism & Domestic Employment

Portrait of a Black enslaved woman, Louisa, with a white baby who is her legal owner

The Domestic Worker Industry is Inextricably Linked with Anti-Black Racism To fully understand the connection between police violence and killings of Black people to domestic workers rights, we have to connect the legacy of slavery and anti-Black racism to the criminalization of domestic workers, the passage of labor policy that developed using this racist lens,

Nanny Employer FAQ’s During COVID

Hiring or rehiring a nanny during COVID? Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. See Also: Nanny Employer Checklist During COVID-19. 1. When should the nanny we employ come back to work? I wish we had an easy answer for you, but in this time of uncertainty, changing conditions and region specific guidance, we

Are you the best employer you can be?

Use the Employer Checklist to find out!

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