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Category: Hand In Hand

Happy International Domestic Workers Day!

Sunday, June 16th is International Domestic Workers Day, celebrating the 2011 passage of the International Labor Organization Convention 189 for Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Domestic workers from around the world came together to fight to establish this international law. The victory represented a historic step forward towards domestic work being recognized “as work like

17 websites every parent should bookmark

* This blog post was updated 4/21/22 to include COVID-related resources The Zero to Three 2016 national parent survey found that over 80% of parents used internet search engines to look for parenting advice but less than 50% of them found the results to be trustworthy. Many existing online resources are either biased, offer conflicting

Ask an expert: Non-toxic, green cleaning at home

Do you have a favorite cleaning product? Maybe something whose smell just tells you everything is going to be sparkly and disinfected? A bleach or a spray, a powder or mopping liquid or a wipe? Now: Do you know what they use to make that product? Just like OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

May is Fair Care Month

Welcome to Fair Care Month! We are calling May “Fair Care Month” and are asking YOU to help us promote fair care. Nannies, house cleaners, and homecare attendants do some of the most important work in the world, but they’re under-recognized and undervalued in our society. As people who employ them, we have the chance

Cranes as a Pledge of Solidarity

In Japanese tradition, an offering of 1,000 origami paper cranes is a wish for hope and healing. Our goal was to have 10,000. Over the past year, I’ve been a part of Hand in Hand’s Playdate Protests against the family separations and inhumane detentions of immigrants at the US-Mexico border. Playdate protests were colorful, fun,

Innovating your own path to ethical employment

Seattle’s tech boom is having consequences that trickle all the way down to childcare. Ethan Goodman, a Seattle local whose background is in software engineering and computer science, has seen it firsthand. And it was a familiar experience: Ethan grew up in the Bay Area, where he witnessed affordable housing disappear as the city grew

Are you the best employer you can be?

Use the Employer Checklist to find out!

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